Monday, October 4, 2010


This is my first entry into the public domain of electronic communication. It is doubtful, at this time, if there will be any readers who will dare to venture into the 'spiritual realm' of a believer in Jesus Christ. I am dedicating this blog, in honor of my faith, to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
I did not always know Him in this way although I always knew of Him, from Sunday school to using His name in vain. Everyone that I know, from childhood through to today, has mentioned His name in one form or another. So, the person of whom I speak is no stranger to us all. Interesting. And yet...most deny that this person even exists (or did exist in the past). I was once one of those people.
So, you say, what has this got to do with unity? Well, it is my hope that this blog will enlighten you. If I have peaked your interest you will return. If not, farewell.


  1. hi louis

    i wanted to drop by and commend you for following your heart and for writing.

  2. Yes - all things are possible. It is a difficult thing that you undertake. Unity is what we are called to as God is one - which we read from the earliest times in Deuteronomy 6. None of us ever stops learning how to enter into that unity or how to hear that we might encourage others.

    You might enjoy reading my translation of Psalm 90. I have also just completed a record of the Psalms conference in Oxford that took place last month. You will find my translations and my series on the psalms from links on my blog.

  3. Now that I see your picture, you and I could have been twins at that age!!
